I am from Norcross, Georgia, USA. I am excited to pursue a PhD in the University of Pennsylvania’s Computer and Information Science PhD Program and Biociphers Lab following previous work in computational academic research and professional software engineering. I hold a BA in mathematics with a minor in physics, and I hold master’s degrees in mathematics and computer science, all from the University of Pennsylvania. My previous computational research includes projects in metabolomics, psychology, and (of course!) bioinformatics. I have worked as a teaching assistant for graduate courses in machine learning and computational biology. For four years, I worked at Amazon in a range of software development roles spanning science and engineering teams. I am excited to work with Biociphers Lab towards solving research problems in understanding post-transcriptional regulation and computational genomics more broadly.
Research Interests
I am interested in developing statistical and computational tools for the elucidation of molecular mechanisms governing post-transcriptional regulation and RNA processing.
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