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Alex Barrera  |  Bioinformatics Developer  |


In 2010 I obtained my degree in Computer Science from the Universidad Complutense in Madrid, Spain. After graduating, I began a Masters in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology at the same University while working as a Junior Developer at Fama Systems. I learned how to be part of a software development team while I grew a devoted interest towards the new challenges and opportunities arrising from High-Throughput Sequencing data. I did my Master's practicum at the Center of Biologial Sequence Analysis (CBS) in Copenhagen, Denmark, where I compared the effects of Single Point disease associated mutations (e.g. Cancer related mutations from COSMIC) and non-disease associated variants (e.g. Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms from UniProtKB) on the predictions of several positional and non-positional protein features. Later I moved to EMBL-European Bioinformatics Institute under the supervision of Dr. Juan Vizcaino to provide bioinfomatic support in a study aimed to prioritaze protein domain organizations with potential in anti-fungal drug development. I joined Dr. Barash's Lab to develop biomedical sotfware and be part of an exciting research team.      

Scientific Focus

I am interested in develop robust software useful for the scientific community and that ultimately help to translate our understanding of genomic and proteomic data into an improved treatment of diseases.




​· Machine Learning
· Computational Biology
· Bioinformatics


​· Modeling regulatory elements





© BIOCIPHERS - 2020 · Department of Genetics Perelman School of Medicine Department of Computer and Information Science School of Engineering University of Pennsylvania

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